Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals
Feast or Famine
Have you ever warned your kids not to hang out with the wrong crowd? The ones who cheated and did drugs, and didn’t have good character? We Always tell our kids to choose their friends wisely. But did Jesus himself follow these rules when picking out his disciples and friends? Who did he hang out wi
Faith Healer
Sin makes us like first century lepers: disfigured, unacceptable both to God and other people, and unable to help even ourselves. The leper in Luke was an outcast. He was considered as good as dead by his society, but he still ran to Jesus and cried out for healing. How did Jesus respond to him? How
Fishers of Men
Have you ever been doing something that you love. But then something else so important came up that you gladly dropped everything for it? Well Peter found himself in this exact spot when Jesus came along. He was faced with a decision that could change his entire life forever. How did he respond to t
All Authority and Power
Different people exercise their authority in different ways. A general does it by barking out orders and enforcing strict military discipline. The traffic officer does it by blowing his whistle and by handing out citations. The tax man does it by conducting an audit and assessing penalties. But how
A Prophet without Honor
Who is Jesus? And what does he want with me? We have heard the news of his virgin birth. We have witnessed his baptism as the beloved Son. We have seen his struggle with Satan and listened to his preaching of the gospel. And as we look and as we listen, we are confronted again and again with his cla
The Gospel According to Jesus
Of all the great sermons that have ever been preached since the beginning of the world, there’s no greater sermon than the sermon that Jesus preached in his home town of Nazareth. It was a sermon for bringing people to saving faith, for giving them hope in trouble, for helping them to see the glory
Paradise Regained
Jesus had come to destroy the devil, to liberate people who were enslaved to Satan by sin, and rather than waging a secret war or launching some kind of sneak attack, Jesus took the fight directly to Satan. To support this ministry financially, visit:
Son of God, Son of Man
We are passing away and shall soon be gone. This is what it means to be a human being, and we need to face it. We are born. We live a short time during which we sin and then we die. From the very beginning, God had promised to send a Savior to a long and fallen line of sinners. To support this mini
The Baptism of the Son
It is regularly tempting to think of the one who baptizes as more spiritual, than the one being baptized. We may even be tempted to think of the baptizer as being even greater in value because of his position. But Jesus turned this temptation upside down when He was baptized by John the Baptist. To
Be Prepared
We hear of the importance of preparation everywhere we go. People need to prepare for all kinds of things including exams, interviews, visitors, children, marriage, deadlines, taxes and even death. Now God did not need to prepare the way for Jesus to bring salvation to the world, but he did. Dr. Phi
The Boy Jesus
In the early 1970s, the good people at the TOPS chewing gum company produced a series of baseball cards that featured boyhood photos of the stars. Each card featured a black and white photograph of some baseball all-star when he was a young boy. And then in the corner there was a contemporary pictur
Nunc Dimittus
There is no salvation without the cross and the empty tomb. And yet what Simeon said when he saw the baby was really true: I have seen salvation. I’ve really seen the whole thingbecause seeing Jesus is all that anyone needs to be saved. Listen as Dr. Philip Ryken teaches from the book of Luke on Eve
Gloria in Excelsis Deo
Angels came with a message of joyful praise; they revealed the identity of the newborn baby Jesus to the shepherds. The shepherds took the angels by their word and went to see Jesus, resulting in worship and sharing the good news of the coming of the Savior of the world. Dr. Philip Ryken shares the
Away in a Manger
One of the great mysteries of the universe is the fact that when God the Son became a man, he spent his first night in a barn. Now why was Jesus born like this? What does the crude and unwelcome poverty of his birth tell us about the way of salvation? Tune in to Every Last Word as Dr. Philip Ryken t