Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals
The Golden Lampstand
Do you find it hard to be one of the only Christians at your workplace? How much do you talk about your faith to the other parents at your child’s school? It’s not easy, but there are so many people living in darkness who cross our paths each day who need to hear about the light that God offers to s
The Bread of Presence
In today’s struggling economy, a lot of us have come to a place that we thought we would never be worrying about how we will meet our needs. If you’ve lost your job, you’re probably worried about how you will pay your bills and provide food for your family. And you may feel like nobody understands o
The Ark of the Covenant
Have you ever wondered how the Old Testament is relevant to you? Could studying the building plans of God’s Tabernacle help you in your life today? Well, the Bible makes an explicit connection between the tabernacle in Exodus and the coming of Christ. God gave us his Son, just as he gave Israel the
Free Will Offering
The Bible teaches that, Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. The reverse can also be true: that where our hearts are, that is where we put our treasure. So if all this is true, why do we spend so much money on earthly things? Well, it’s because our hearts are hard. But when we give
The Boast of the Cross
Boasting is never attractive. But have you ever noticed that, despite the fact that nobody likes a bragger, everybody brags anyway? And what about? Our brain power, our muscle power, our buying power...anything that makes us feel like we are better than someone else. But when we come to know Jesus,
The Triumph of the Cross
Have you ever broken the law? We’ve all had the occasional traffic violation or parking ticket. but many of us try to lead good lives. We go to church every week, help others, we’re not lawbreakers...or are we? The Bible says we are. In fact, we have so often broken God’s Law that we have accumulate
The Power of the Cross
Christians believe that the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, with his resurrection, was the most important event in the history of the world. To Christians, the cross of Christ is the source of all hope and comfort. Yet the same cross that is so attractive to the followers of Christ is exactly what keep
The Peace of the Cross
If I were to ask you Are you at war with anyone? you would probably be surprised, maybe even offended. And why would that be such a strange question? Probably because we all want to think of ourselves as peace loving individuals. But the fact is, we are at war, with God. The good news is, that God h
The Offense of the Cross
Most of us in our day to day lives feel pretty good about ourselves. We’re generally truthful. We put in an honest day’s work. We are by and large, good people...good enough to get into heaven...or are we? The Bible teaches us that we are helpless, hopeless, and unrighteous. The good news is, that’s
The Necessity of the Cross
Grotesque, morbid, unsightly... those words describe something that is at the very heart of Christianity. It’s something that is preached and taught about all the time in the Christian faith. I’m talking about Christ’s crucifixion. And while some may find it too brutal, or think it unnecessary... be
A Word for the Fallen
Peter was a big disciple. He was the first disciple to trust Christ with his life. He left his career and followed God. But even Peter denied Christ... not once but three times! But thankfully Jesus Christ did not abandon Peter. He picked him up after he had fallen, set him back on his feet, and enc
A Word for the Skeptical
The Bible teaches that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are the most significant events in human history. The reason Jesus rose from the dead was to conquer sin and death once and for all. That sounds like critical information for all of us to hear. But the question you might be asking is
A Word for the Restless
I need just a little peace and quiet. That’s something we’ve all said on occasion. It may seem innocent enough, but the truth is, deep down inside, we all long for peace... in our relationships, at our workplace, in our families. Often these areas of our lives have very little peace, even though we
A Word for the Fearful
The times we live in are difficult, some might even say tumultuous. If you look around you can find much to be afraid about...the economy, current world affairs, wars. We can let our fears get to us, or we can stop, and take a minute to look at what the Bible has to teach us about this world, fear,