Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals

Pray for Grace to Assist you that you may do your Duty Always and Everywhere

Petition 3.32 | ESVThat we may do the duty of every condition of life, every event of providence, and every relation wherein we stand.Lord, enable me in a day of prosperity to be joyful, and in a day of adversity to consider, because God has made the one as well as the other; Ecclesiastes 7:14(ESV)

m mhadmin

Pray for Grace to Assist you that you may be Cheerful in your Duty

Petition 3.31 | ESVThat we may be pleasant and cheerful in our duty.Lord, enable me to rejoice always, 1 Thessalonians 5:16(ESV) to rejoice in the Lord always, because he has again said to me, Rejoice; Philippians 4:4(ESV) that I may go on my way rejoicing, may eat my bread with joy and drink my win

m mhadmin

Pray for Grace to Assist you that you may be Courageous in your Duty

Petition 3.30 | ESVThat we may be resolute and courageous in our duty, as those who know that though we may be losers for Christ, we shall not be losers by him in the end.Lord, teach me to share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus, 2 Timothy 2:3(ESV) that I may not fear the reproach of me

m mhadmin

Pray for Grace to Assist you that you may be Diligent in your Duty

Petition 3.29 | ESVThat we may be active and diligent in our duty.Lord, quicken me to work the works of him who sent me while it is day, because night is coming, wherein no one can work; John 9:4(ESV) and what good my hands find to do, enable me to do it with all my might, for there is no work or kn

m mhadmin

Pray for Grace to Assist you that you may be Honest in your Duty

Petition 3.28 | ESVThat we may be honest and sincere in our duty.Do not let our wisdom be that from beneath, which is earthly, unspiritual, demonic; James 3:15(ESV) but wisdom from above, which is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincer

m mhadmin

Pray for Grace to Govern your Tongue

Petition 3.26 | ESVWe must pray for grace to enable us both to govern our tongues well and to use them well.Lord, enable me to guard my ways, that I may not sin with my tongue, and to guard my mouth, as if with a muzzle, Psalm 39:1(ESV) that it may not be hasty to utter a word. Ecclesiastes 5:2(ESV)

m mhadmin

Pray for Grace to Preserve you from Sin

Petition 3.25 | ESVWe must pray for grace to preserve us from sin and all appearances of it and approaches towards it.I pray to God that I may not do wrong, 2 Corinthians 13:7(ESV) but may be blameless and innocent, as a child of God, without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation.

m mhadmin

Pray for the Grace of Hope

Petition 3.24 | ESVWe must pray for the grace of hope; a hope in God and Christ, and a hope of eternal life.Let endurance produce character in me, and character produce hope – such a hope that does not put me to shame. Romans 5:4-5(ESV) Through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptur

m mhadmin

Pray for the Graces of Contentment and Patience

Petition 3.23 | ESVI must pray for the graces of contentment and patience, and a holy indifference to all the things of sense and time.Lord, teach me in whatever situation I am to be content; let me know how to be brought low and how to abound; in any and every circumstance, let me learn the secret

m mhadmin