Cranky is the New Winsome

Cranky is the New Winsome

One of our guests encourages parents listening in to enforce a “PG-13” content label on today’s show, but—remembering some disturbing stories Todd has shared on the podcast—we confidently move forward with today’s topic. On the table: a frank discussion of the ongoing fallout from the Revoice conference and other sexually-charged issues challenging the Church.  Joining Carl and Todd are author, speaker, former professor, and current sock maker Rosaria Butterfield, along with Joshua Gielow. Joshua is from truthXchange, an organization that helps the next Christian generation think clearly and live virtuously in a culture antagonistic to their faith. You’ll learn to discern the subtle shifts in language used to normalize certain behaviors making their way into the Church and the attitude of victimhood used to silence any criticism.  Congrats to our winners of copies of The New Reformation Catechism on Human Sexuality by Christopher Gordon: *Karlie B. from Deltona, FL (who also won a pair of socks hand-knitted by Rosaria Butterfield!) *Jacob L. from Tuscumbia, AL  *Bill Z. from Charlottesville, VA